The red-shouldered hawk hesitated only a few seconds once I opened the box. Then it was airborne.
We stood in a muddy field near Reidsville and watched it fly higher and higher, taking my heart with it.
The hawk had been brought to the rehab center with a broken ulna (wrist). For the past week it had been in an outdoor flight cage at the center to allow it to stretch its wings in preparation of release.
It’s breathtaking to see a hawk up close, to tend to its wounds, to feed it. But that doesn’t compare to the feeling of seeing it back where it belongs.
i have a red shouldered hawk in my back yard and it has been here for at least 3 days it is wonderful to see it take flight and up close and personal to a wild bird it scary. the other day i walked outside to put some meat on "its stump" [its claimed a stump that is in my yard] and not knowing that it was dirtectly above me in a tree that isnt much taller than me only about 3 feet taller i heard a noise and looked up i beamed directly in its eyes and it moved his head and i took off i was scared and i watched it pick up the meat and fly in that same tree and eat it it was wonderful.....
They are amazing. I've seen several recently in my neighborhood near the aboretum.I have a healthy respect for the damage they can inflict with their talons. At the rehab center where I volunteer we use welding gloves when we handle hawks and other raptors.
I'd caution against letting it get too dependent on you for food, both for your safety and the hawk's.
Just an aside: The term "fed up" is a falconer's term, referring to the fact that when a hawk wasn't hungry -- when it had been fed-up -- it was less likely to do the falconer's bidding.
Just surfed on while looking for info on the red shoulder hawk. I believe I have one hanging around my yard. I finally got a photo of him or her the other day. What a beautiful creature.
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